3 Tips on How to Write a Great STEM Scholarships

 STEM graduates enjoy various employment opportunities to enter fields with high levels of career demand. But to take advantage of the job opportunities available, it’s important to have an effective STEM resume that best showcases your technical skills, soft skills, and academic achievements.

Here are some tips to help you create a compelling and personalized STEM resume that helps you stand out from the crowd.

1. Choose the right STEM resume format and structure: In general, STEM resumes should follow a clean and professional format with clear headings and bullet points so potential employers can easily obtain the information they need. For example, your resume should:

  • Start with a concise and targeted summary or objective statement. Showcase your key qualifications and career goals.
  • Highlight your education.Your degrees should be listed right below your contact details, and before any job experience, if you’re a recent grad with few relevant jobs. 
  • Outline your relevant experience: describe your relevant work experience, internships, research project or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your STEM expertise. Emphasize your accomplishments, responsibilities, and contributions in each role. 
  • List your technical skills. Showcase your proficiency in specific programming languages, software tools, laboratory techniques or mathematical abilities. If you’re extremely familiar with certain types of coding languages after earning a computer science degree but are less comfortable with others, you could specify on your resume that you are Proficient in Python and JavaScript and Experience with C++ and Go. 
  • List specific courses you’ve completed that are relevant to the position. For example, if you’re applying to a research position based on your biology background, you may want to list courses including Experimental Biology; Cell Biology; or Biological Chemistry. 
  • Highlight any honors, awards or scholarships related to STEM: This section should come after coursework and research credentials if you don’t have a long job history or could be featured more prominently near the top of your resume if you have an impressive employment past.
  1. Demonstrate your STEM skills and soft skills

Your resume should give extensive details about STEM skills related to your knowledge in specific programming languages, data analysis or machine learning as well as any past successes you’ve had applying your learnings in a real-world setting. Also, it is important to showcase your soft skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking and teamwork. More than ever, soft skills are being prioritized by employers and recruiters as these skills are difficult to find in candidates.

By showcasing how you can utilize these combined powerful skills you will be positioning yourself as a unique asset to the company. Remember that soft skills are complementary to technical skills and by describing those two together you can help define what makes you the ideal candidate for the role.

  1. Customize your resume to the position

Tailor the resume to match the specific requirements of each job application and highlight the skills, experiences, and the achievements most relevant to the position using keywords from the job application. Try to use keywords the job ad used, such as referencing the programming languages the employer requested proficiency in.  Prepare multiple resumes tailored to each job you apply for, to ensure you come across as the most qualified candidate. Most importantly, proofread your resume carefully to eliminate any typos, grammatical errors, or inconsistencies. Seek feedback from mentors, professors, or career advisors to ensure your resume is clear, concise and effectively showcases your STEM qualifications.

Don’t be discouraged

If you didn’t get the job, try and work out what you could have done differently with your resume and use that knowledge to improve your chances for future job opportunities. Some recruiters even offer feedback on your application to help you better your chances next time. Keep your spirits up and remember that there are always going to be new job opportunities you can aim for. 

Interviewing for a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) job  or internship requires careful preparation and a focused approach. Here are some tips to help you effectively interview for a STEM job:
  1. Research the company and position: Familiarize yourself with the company’s background, mission, values, products/services, and recent achievements. Understand the requirements and responsibilities of the specific role you’re interviewing for. This knowledge will help you tailor your responses during the interview and demonstrate your interest in the company.
  2. Review technical concepts and skills: Identify the core technical skills required for the role and review them thoroughly. Refresh your knowledge on relevant scientific principles, mathematical concepts, programming languages, or engineering methodologies. Be prepared to discuss your experience and provide examples of projects or challenges you have tackled in the past.
  3. Prepare specific examples: Think of specific examples from your previous experiences that highlight your problem-solving skills, ability to work in teams, and your contributions to technical projects. Frame your examples using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to provide a structured and concise response.
  4. Practice common technical questions: Be ready to answer technical questions related to your field. Review common interview questions and practice articulating your thoughts clearly and concisely. Mock interviews with a friend or mentor can help you refine your responses and build confidence.
  5. Showcase your projects and achievements: If you have personal projects, research work, or publications relevant to the role, prepare to discuss them. Provide details on your role, the challenges you faced, and the outcomes achieved. Demonstrate your passion, curiosity, and ability to drive projects to completion.
  6. Stay updated with industry trends: Stay current with the latest developments, technologies, and trends in your field. Employers often value candidates who demonstrate a passion for continuous learning and keeping up with industry advancements. Discuss recent breakthroughs or emerging technologies during the interview to showcase your enthusiasm and knowledge.
  7. Develop good communication skills: Strong communication skills are vital in STEM roles, as you may need to collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, present findings, or explain complex concepts to non-technical stakeholders. Practice clear and concise communication, both verbally and in writing.
  8. Ask thoughtful questions: Prepare a list of insightful questions to ask the interviewer about the company, the team, or the role. This demonstrates your genuine interest and engagement in the opportunity.
  9. Reflect on your interview performance: After the interview, take time to reflect on your performance. Identify areas where you excelled and areas for improvement. Use these insights to enhance your future interview skills.
  10. Be professional and confident: Dress appropriately for the interview and arrive on time or, if it’s a remote interview, log in a few minutes early. Maintain good eye contact, display positive body language, and exhibit confidence in your abilities and experiences.

If you want to learn how to dress for your upcoming job interview, read the following article.


3 Tips on How to Write an Effective STEM Resume