IOScholarships STEM Blog
Find the latest financial wellness tips, savings, scholarships, career opportunities and college resources for your scholarship journey

SAVE Plan Could Benefit Diverse Underrepresented and Low-Income Students this Summer
IOScholarships Founder TV Segment on Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Find out if you qualify Two Courts have issued injunctions blocking the implementation of certain provisions of the SAVE Plan. While we are assessing the rulings, borrowers can still enroll

Nelson is thrilled to return to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory this summer through the NASA NSTGRO Fellowship.
Latino in STEM Journey Nelson is thrilled to return to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory this summer through the NASA NSTGRO Fellowship. This is a transcript of June 2022 IOScholarships Superheroes podcast Nelson is thrilled to return to the NASA

Environment Scholarships and Biology Internships for Diverse STEM Students
Environment Scholarships and Biology Internships RMWEA offers support to operators and students pursuing a professional career in the water quality field by awarding grants on an annual basis. The awards are based on academic performance and demonstrated interest in environmental

First Latino Winner of NASA Scholarship and Fellowship
First Latino Winner of NASA Scholarship I am thrilled to announce that Nelson Badillo who won a scholarship at Harvard BioRobotics Lab is returning this summer to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory through the NASA NSTGRO Fellowship. He is the

June 2024 Scholarships
¡Hola amigos de IOScholarships! Below, you will find the best STEM scholarships and internship opportunities for this month. Deadlines are approaching soon. Apply for these great scholarships and job openings today! Also, we are launching our IOScholarships Superheroes Podcast. Tune

Summer STEM Scholarships
Best Summer STEM Scholarships MPOWER Women in STEM Scholarship Deadline Jun 30 2024 Amount $6,000 Location National Description Scholarships awarded annually to female international/DACA students who are currently enrolled or accepted to study full-time in a STEM degree program at

Lock In Last-Minute STEM Scholarships
Lock In Last-Minute STEM Scholarships Your diverse background might be your ticket to win scholarships AFCCE Fall Scholarship Deadline May 31 2024 Amount $2,500 Location National Graduate Level: Undergraduate, Graduate Description Applicants will be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible.

Summer STEAM Scholarships
Summer STEAM Scholarships The IIAR is a technical association comprised of engineers, end users, contractors, and manufacturers working in the natural refrigeration industry. The organization and its membership develop ANSI-approved safety standards, technical publications, and educational materials to support refrigeration

Tips to create a successful budget while in college
How to Create a Successful Budget while in College There are both long and short-term effects of inflation. While inflation can have an adverse effect on your financial future, it can also make it difficult to meet your financial obligations