IOScholarships STEM Blog
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Financing postsecondary education: Connecting students of color to STEM Scholarships
Financing postsecondary education: Connecting students of color to STEM Scholarships Untapped education financing: an estimated $100 million in scholarships go unawarded each year By Laura Aka As companies pledge to make their workforces more diverse, there still remains much more
How to Help You Beat Inflation and Create a Successful College Budget
5 Budgeting Steps to Help Students Beat Inflation There are both long and short-term effects of inflation. While inflation can have an adverse effect on your financial future, it can also make it difficult to meet your financial obligations right
Students: Tips to Avoid Ruining Your Credit Score
Easy Ways to Avoid Ruining Your Student Credit A good credit score is very important When it comes to credit, it takes a while to build up your score and just a few mistakes can ruin it. With that in
Know the Difference Between Grants and Scholarships
What is the difference between grants vs scholarships? Know the Difference Grants and scholarships are both types of free money that does not be to be paid back unlike work-study (student employment) and student loans. Although the words grant and scholarship are often treated
Best ways to protect your online passwords from hackers
Students: Passwords are hard to remember You don’t have to do it alone! You may have heard that Kanye West was in a meeting with the former president and pulled out his phone to show Trump a GIF. Cameras behind
Biden extiende la pausa en el pago de préstamos estudiantiles hasta el 31 de agosto
5 consejos para cuando se reanuden los pagos de las deudas de préstamos estudiantiles el 31 de agosto del 2022 Aquí hay 5 recomendaciones que puedes considerar para prepararte cuando se reanuden los pagos de la deuda de préstamos estudiantiles
Tips To Choose the Best Checking Account For Students
Tips To Evaluate the Best Checking Account For Students Opening a checking account allows you to easily deposit a check you receive, take out cash with your debit card for daily transactions or set up direct deposit to receive your
5 Maneras de Evitar Arruinar Tu Crédito
5 Maneras de Evitar Arruinar tu Crédito Cuando se trata de crédito, se necesita un tiempo para construir su puntuación y sólo unos pocos errores lo arruinan. Teniendo eso en cuenta, aquí hay algunas maneras de evitar arruinar tu crédito
3 Simple Ways to Build Credit as a Student
3 Easy Ways to Build Credit as a STEM Student A good credit score is very important A good credit score is very important when you apply for a car loan, credit cards and in some cases some rental properties